
Large mammals - Okapi

Now for the last short-info animals - the Okapi!

At the turn of the century, these unusual animals (and close relatives of the giraffe) were first discovered in the African Congo. Classified as extremely rare and endangered, they are a prized collection for zoos. It is a solitary, nocturnal animal with a keen sense of smell an hearing.

An Okapi looks like a stumpy giraffe with stripes on the rear legs and rump like those of a zebra.

Look out for the next post... Won't tell you what it's called, no no no... Have to see for yourself...


Brooksie said...

I love okapis and hope I get to see one when I am in Africa. I imagine they are very shy animals.
Did you know the tongue of an okapi is so long that it can wash its eyelids and even clean its ears? How handy would that be??
Looking forward to the new and exciting post .... wonder what it is?