
A 1 against 1 fight

Hey, I've just found a video that you might like. It's about... I won't tell you. But read on. It's about two mammals having a fight. But what the mammals might be, and who won the fight, I won't tell you. So, have a look:

Look, I know the start is in Japanese, but don't mind that, I think it is quite, quite, queer, isn't it?

I am looking forward to seeing you reading my next posts! So don't curl up on the cat-pillow near the cat like the dog did, or you might get slapped! Watch out!


Brooksie said...

Just like children aren't they? Great left hook by the cat though. Wonder if the dog comes back for more slaps or does he learn his lesson?

Brooksie said...

Love the new look blog - gorgeous!!!