
Now, I'll tell you about weather forecast

Now guys, look. Do you know how to predict the weather? I think that most people satisfy themselves by watching the weather forecast. But if you are out camping, with no radio, computer or TV, how CAN you know what the weather will be tomorrow? Well, I'm here to tell you that.

The trick is to watch the clouds. The four, most popular clouds are cirrus, cumulus, cumulonimbus and stratus.

The cirrus looks like threads or bits of cotton candy. If you see them it means that the weather will be bad in two, three days time, and it'll rain.

The cumulus is a white, rather flat, fleecy cloud. They quickly change their shapes. Sometimes they look like a elephant, or a dragon, and a minute later duck. Cumuluses take shape in the morning, and disappear in the afternoon. Look for them, because they bring nice weather.

Stratus - it covers the whole sky. It's greyish, really thin (the sun can shine through it) and full of drizzle. If you see it, nearly 100% guaranteed that the weather will be bad and the drizzle will spit for two or three days.

Cumulonimbus is a real skyscraper made out of clouds. It goes really high, like a castle or a rocket. When he drifts onto the sky, don't go out camping or sailing. Go home and get ready some entertainment. Oh, how it'll rain and how the wind will blow! And probably thunder will show up too!

There are two more ways of telling what the weather will be like. Coming soon!

Clouds and water and other things

Hey guys, I really had my mind made up to not write, but, everything is, after all, a try. So, I wanted to tell you bit 'bout clouds.

Clouds are just little bits of water, we all know that. But how is a cloud made, formed? Here two things work together: the sun and wind. The sun dries up puddles, water in little ponds... The water goes up, and then is formed by the wind. Water gradually adds to the clouds, until they are heavy and go down.

Now a change: water is continually in movement. From the clouds, into a river, then flowing into the sewage, cleaned, then evaporates................ Goodness knows what other things it does.

Lastly; a bit of water history: did you know that we drink, bathe in, use to water the flowers, were used by dinosaurs?

Hope you enjoyed my piece of info.