

Oh no! That's a cat! Quickly read the post!

Cats are kept as pets in the house, but also can catch mice.

Cats need to earn for their living! (As some people say) Catch mice!

For example, what do wild cats eat? Mice and small mammals, of course! That's why cats are supposed to catch mice.

In Greece the climate is hot, so cats multiply quickly. You can see minimum one cat on each street (or two).

Cats are weird little animals. For example:

Some cats kill mice and bring them to the owner’s door and leave them there. Some eat the mice. Some are smart, others not. Queerest: Male cats cross the road minding "roaring monsters (cars) with two-legged (people) in their stomachs" and females don't mind, they just cross the road. And when cats mate, the female has children and the male goes off never to be seen. Why?

No more info, no more cats! Bye!


Anonymous said...

I do not really like cats - I much prefer dogs. Dogs willplay with you until you stop whereas a cat only plays with you if they feel like it and stop when THEY are bored. Plus I hate they way they are always licking themselves trying to loook pretty!!

Anonymous said...

I never liked cats until my children brought one. I actually found that they are much easier to maintain then dogs.

Carola said...

I will write a post about dogs soon!

Of course, dogs will play with you anytime, unlike cats - who play with you only for a limited time!

But, on the other hand, cats, if they don't lick themselves it means they are sick, and who wants a sick cat?!