
Birds of prey - Bald Eagle

Now on to birds! Today - we are talking about the Bald eagle!

First of all, I would like to explain something. Maybe some people think: "Oh, a bald eagle! I bet that the eagle's head is bald!". But that is not true! Bald - meaning white. Have a look at the photo!

These big birds mate for life and the pair always returns to the same nest every year. Their eggs are dull white. The female lays from 1 to 3 eggs. They eat mainly fish (mainly dead or dying fish), often stolen from osprey; muskrats, other small mammals, water birds, and carrion. If they can't find or steal, they eat dead or dying fish. Bald eagles live near the sea, rivers and lakes.



Brooksie said...

I wish I had the eyesight of a bald eagle.They can see both forward and to the side at the same time. That way I could say to the class "I'm keeping my eye on you," and I could no matter where they were in the room!

Anonymous said...

amazing!!!:-) thanks for informations!you've a inquisitive eye!!!