
Big cats - Cheetah

Since we're talking about cheetahs now, (very close to the post Monkeys - Rhesus Monkey) I would like to say that if the monkeys don't play poker because of cheetahs, I'm a ... a... Well, let's not mention it now.

With it's long legs, cheetahs can reach a speed of 70 miles an our in short bursts (rather like me, I prefer to run short distances, only I don't run 70 miles an hour!). It is the only feline that cannot retract it's claws. Easily tamed, is used by man for hunting. They prey on smaller animals such as hares, birds, small mammals, Thomson gazelles and impalas, though in groups they can catch animals such as wildebeests and zebras. They mainly depend on their speed for prey, though they sometimes stalk their prey and then catch it. I think stalking animals is harder because animals have excellent senses of smell.

Don't be a chee-tah! Watch out for Big cats - Puma!


Brooksie said...

These animals are just beautiful aren't they? We often fear animals like these but they are only agressive when in need of food or protecting their young - sounds like me!!! I wonder if you join all the dots what do you get?? Lol!