
Exotic birds - Hyacinth Macaw and Salmon Crested Cockatoo

Now for some interesting stuff. Two exotic birds. Listen to some short info about the Hyacinth Macaw.

This beautiful macaw can reach a height of 39 inches is much prized by zoos and private collectors. The powerful beak which can crack fruit is also used in climbing.

Now for the Cockatoo! Those who live in Australasia have probably seen one. Personally, I have seen many of them on different occasions.

Found in Australasia, which means Australia and nearby islands, these regal birds are unusually intelligent and can be taught to speak. They also belong to the parrot family as well as macaws, lovebirds and parakeets.

See ya!


Brooksie said...

I have never heard of a Hyacinth Macaw. What a beautiful bird! I like the way you have chosen two birds from two different areas of the world. as for the Cockatoo - they are well loved in Australia and many people love having them as pets (unless they start to talk too much and boss you around!!)