
D for dog!

Hmmm, lets see... D... for dog... All right! A post about dogs! Here we go!

Dogs are one of the most intelligent animals of the planet. You can train them to do many things like: to obey simple commands, bring your paper or slippers. Of course there is much much more things to train them: (harder stuff) to retrieve hunted animals, to be a guide for blind (they train Labs for that), to be sheepdogs, and in cold countries - to pull sleighs.

These animals are very close friends of people. They will do anything for his/her master/mistress. I have a dog myself and she is very faithful. When I go somewhere (for example: to the shop, or to meet my friend) she just lies near the gate and waits, waits... until I come back. She is very happy then (as, I suppose every dog would if their master/mistress came back home).

A dogs fur colour ranges from black to white and also goldish and brown. So dogs are, lets say, different coloured.

Well, I think I have told you a little too much... Time to do something else! See you next time!


Brooksie said...

I am so glad you have reviewed the beauty of dogs. Yes dogs are very intelligent - nearly as intelligent as karolina!!! My dog's name is max and he is big and barks a lot but really he is a marshmallow inside. The robbers don't know that though!

Carola said...

Dogs are intelligent - yes, I agree, but they're not as smart as ME!

The same with Gryzusia! She will bark at everyone (almost everyone) but she is friendly and will do anything to get a treat.